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  • Imagining -
    Event: ImaginingInstitution: Art Gallery of AlbertaComment:
  • YOUniverse -
    2008-09 BIACS 3 : 3rd International Biennial of Seville, Andaluz , Spain. YOUniverse : Liquid Views
  • Tiefenrausch -
    Event: TiefenrauschInstitution: OK Center for Contemporary ArtComment:
  • Animated Architecture -
    Lecturing on media art at New Technologies Lab at the University of Athens
  • Event: »Heraustreten ins Tageslicht«Institution: Galerie HammerComment:
  • As part of Cao Fei's RMB City installatio0n, collaboration with Gazira Babeli
  • Cynetart festival -
    Event: Cynetart festivalInstitution: Festspielhaus HellerauComment:
  • Event: Tanztendenzen festivalInstitution: Pommersches LandesmuseumComment:
  • passage -
    Event: passageInstitution: Fabrik PotsdamComment:
  • passage -
    Event: passageInstitution: Fabrik PotsdamComment: