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  • Malina, Roger. Leonardo (Journal of the International Society of Arts, Sciences and Technology) Volume 34 Number 4. Skull on the Cover. Vol.34. 4, 4 th ed.Boston: Leonardo MIT Press, 2001.
  • The Artist in Residence program is one of the programs started at IAMAS since establishment. Each year IAMAS invites outstanding artists from overseas to Japan, and supports their activities while on the program. There have been 16 artists who have
  • Event: Festival des Arts ElectroniquesInstitution: L'espace des SciencesComment:
  • The Interaction 97 -
    Event: The Interaction 97Institution: IAMAS International Academy of Media Arts and SciencesComment:
  • Event: Nouvelle image, nouveaux réseauxInstitution: Cité des Sciences et de l'IndustrieComment:
  • Event: L'Homme Transformé Institution: Cité des Sciences et de l'IndustrieComment:
  • Event: European city of SciencesInstitution: European city of SciencesComment:
  • Event: Expérimenta / Rencontres-i, Biennale Arts Sciences 2013Institution: Biennale Arts Sciences Comment:
  • Ogaki Biennale 2004 -
    "After its beginning in 1995, it was held for the first 4 times as the interactive art festival "Interaction". Subsequently in 2004, it was reorganized as "Ogaki Biennale", and will continue in this form, with workshops, outside street exhibitions
  • Closing The Loop is the title of a series of experiments, situations constructed and composed to investigate theories of biomechanics and hypercompetition, culminating in a collection of events in September 1998 celebrating the interrelation of