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  • Frames -
    ... arrays to detect user input, combined with randomly accessible video under computer control. It was commissioned by the NTT... the first photographs taken in a mental institution -- as a starting point for an examination of the relationship of photographer to...
  • Infiltrate -
    ... 6 fat koi fish, one gold, the others white On one wall the video projector displays a computer animated image of up to 5 moving...
  • ... create imagery that can be described as dynamic sculpting with video. The heart of the machine is a projection surface that spins... that can be described as dynamic sculpting with video. The heart of the machine is a projection surface that spins around its...
  • ... the Internet, equipped with media streaming and interactive video tools. Though perhaps on different continents, the two saunas... closer to each other than to those just outside the sauna. Participants see their remote co-bathers on the projection screens that...
  • Unreflective Mirror -
    ...Surveillance camera, surveillance video monitor, custom-made polarized filter glasses, PC, data projector x 2 This virtual mirror...
  • ... Animated by Victor Acevedo Music by Igor Amokian (Chris Holland) video © 2021 Victor Acevedo music © 2021 Chris Holland Victor: Orbic... it wasn’t until 2007 that video became the main focus of his artmaking. While considering the phenomenology of synesthesia and...
  • Art Net Lab -
    ... of the Academy of arts and design of the Ljubljana University, Video-New media department Art Net Lab is a exhibition project of the Academy of arts and design of the Ljubljana University, Video-New media department
  • Camerin Obscura -
    ... part -hardware- the project runs in a mac mini with a firewire video camera and sound speakers. The project works with Processing... - an ancient tool for visualization - that integrates a basic artificial vision system and a sound server looking for an unusual...
  • ... 6 fat koi fish, one gold, the others white On one wall the video projector displays a computer animated image of up to 5 moving...
  • ...This interactive video installation is a collaboration between myself and Camille Turner. This mediawork is an exploration of the sex, beauty... the viewer moves the cursor/pointer to click on various parts of the young woman's images. These 'hotspots'...