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  • ... considered an expert in dynamic projection. Large scale pieces such as...
  • ... established PanoramaLab. The project lets users experience Web-based...
  • Latent State - video
    ...This project was developed during 2009 as part of my MFA thesis at the Design...
  • ...enter project here:
  • Internetscapes -
    ... initially developed as project pages for "Untitled". ...
  • Wind and Rain -
    ... to paint his belly white and project a Tarzan movie onto it.
  • ... when this is manufactured. This project is progressing with...
  • Neuro Baby -
    ... not tortured, by the relentless flow of information, and whose peace of...
  • ... non commercial or non political projects such as art or science. In...
  • Tweetopia
    ... from the evolving DiGi-FLiP project @jtwinedotcom on the...