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  • ... Acevedo’s visual music explores the implications of synesthesia through computer animated geometry.
  • The two internationally renowned media artists and researchers based in Linz/Austria have been active as an artistic couple since the ‘90s and have especially pioneered in the field of interactive media art and exlporations of artificial life.
  • ... aesthetic choices of the user. Various layers of meaning created...
  • ... 3D displays for multi-user interactions, real-time 3D computer...
  • ... work is commercial. My art shows in serious galleries and museums. I... pieces that allow the user to create fun visuals with a...
  • ... Riha, D. (Co-author): Hus Museum Exhibition Multimedia Part....
  • ... virtual labyrinths and showers of words about surveillance and... and visualization technologies used for surveillance and control of...
  • ... interfaces includes the use of varying and multiple forms of...
  • ... virtual labyrinths and showers of words about surveillance and... and visualization technologies used for surveillance and control of...
  • ... aesthetic choices of the user. Various layers of meaning created...