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  • ... audible by the oppornents. Even you may be in oppornents in next turn.... (source:
  • ... of each sesson, participants can review what was happen through... (source:
  • Traceability -
    ... mobile phone which/where you are calling to) of communication in... (source:
  • Bots -
    ... fertile ground where they can install their memes. Your mind is... Corporations compete for your attention, for access to your... hapless consumers to purchase useless products.
  • Televised Distance #2 -
    ... technology. In the future, can we design a medium that overcomes... (source:
  • Televised Distance #1 -
    ... technology. In the future, can we design a medium that overcomes... (source:
  • ...What if we can leave a memory on the air? If we can, we will see the landscape and... of this workshop is a museum or gallery. The group is divided...
  • zgodlocator -
    ... are constantly changing because users actively use them and because the...
  • cyberSM -
    ... bodies and models. They can rotate the bodies, zoom in or out,... first cyberSM experiment, the user began to experience what others...
  • ... complex universe we can only ever understand on its surface... her first series of objects, Useless Weapons, an instant success in...