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  • ... Bay Area from the air made the Exploratorium. We used a...
  • ... with image and light. At times, the surfaces appear to...
  • Goldsegen
    ... a whiteboard, the artist made an Augmented Reality photo...
  • ... in particular those made by the Catalan scientist...
  • Uncontrolled Hermetic -
    ... in a bunny suit made of felt. The figure stood...
  • ... Our work deals with the study of such relationships to...
  • Clockwork -
    ... transforms these man-made angular bricks into round,...
  • Mood Swings -
    ... by the artist's study of Indian chakra system...
  • Sakrileg -
    ... is nervous). Most of the times the machine succeeds to...
  • ... with bullet holes made by a .45) and clear plastic...