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  • Light, only light -
    Except for a few species like the Dinoflagellata, which belongs to both the plant and animal kingdoms, bioluminescence is only found in a few animal species. According to biological evolution, a single organism cannot both consume light as energy
  • The Teacup Tools are an array of cybernetic teacups, adapting themselves to the realm of climate related sciences.They appear as a multifunctional tool for the investigation of tiny micro clouds above tea, for communication and for tea drinking.
  • Al GRANO: Corn Regime -
    “Al Grano: Corn Regime” addresses the livelihood struggles of maize growers in Mexico – center of origin, domestication and biodiversity of maize - and the balance/unbalance created by environmentally sustainable and exploitative agro-practices
  • Romy Achituv is an experimental interdisciplinary artist whose work engages issues of representation, language, time, and memory. Underlying his practice is an ongoing interest in the language of visual representation and in dynamics of
  • Diaa Ahmed Mohamed Ahmedien is a lecturer in sciences of visual arts and sciences of New-Media Arts. He is an artist, educator, researcher, and creator to setup systems of artworks, basically depending on the intersection between art, sciences, and
  • Karl Sims studied computer graphics at the MIT Media Lab and Life Sciences as an undergraduate at MIT. He currently leads GenArts, Inc. in Cambridge, Massachusetts, which creates special effects software for the motion picture industry.
  • Sommerer, Christa. Collaboration between the Arts and the Sciences In Ars Electronica Center - Museum of the Future, , 120-125. Linz: Linz Landesverlag, 1996.
  • Deleage, Jean-Rémi. Premiers pas dans la transparence Sciences et Avenir 591 (May 1996): 82.
  • Roz Dimon is an artist who has been painting with a digital brush for over 30 years after her oil paintings began to fill with pixels in the 1980s. Her work in digital media was featured in 1991 in Forbes Magazine with David Hockney and she has
  • Hiroshi Ishii is the Jerome B. Wiesner Professor of Media Arts and Sciences, at the MIT Media Lab. He joined the MIT Media Lab in October 1995, and founded the Tangible Media Group. He currently directs the Tangible Media Group, and he co-directs