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  • Bosco, Roberta and Stefano Caldana. Mil sueños que me despertarán [].
  • Runtime animation in which the visual and sound tracks function independently and complementarily in two languages (English and Portuguese), one not being the translation of the other. “Desperto” means “awaken” in Portuguese. Originally a runtime
  • Andy Lomas is a mathematician, digital artist and Emmy award winning supervisor of computer generated effects. Cellular Forms is the latest part of Morphogenetic Creations: a series of work which explores how complex organic structures, such as
  • Alcalá Mellado, José Ramón and Vicente Jarque. Utopías del arte tecnológico. Un análisis de la situación, cincuenta años después Artnodes. Revista de arte, ciencia y tecnología , no. 13 (2013): 4-15.
  • Event: Open Art: El Arte después de la technologiaInstitution: Festival de la ImagenComment:
  • Escracho
    Kac, Eduardo. Escracho. Rio de Janeiro: Sai Dessa Lama, 1983.
  • Bewegung in Silber -
    Commissioned by Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau for the Bauhaus Farbfest: Silber 2. Prize at the competition ''Hören und Sehen'' organized by the ZKM (Center for Art and Media) in Karlsruhe and the Institute fuer Neue Musik in Darmstadt. Inspired by the
  • Event: Bauhaus Farbfest: SilberInstitution: Bauhaus DessauComment:
  • Event: Quarxs à la Brain Factory: Dialogue between Maurice Benayoun and François SchuitenInstitution: Machines à dessiner à l'heure du numérique, Musée des arts et métiersComment:
  • Event: Quarxs, dessins et vidéosInstitution: Médiathèque Georges SandComment: