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  • Word and body -
    ...Word and bodyArtist: Edward KuleminComment:
  • ...untit,UnNkKknowWWnnn-eldArtist: Islam AllamComment:
  • ...Jelly Functions [Power]Artist: (collective) Banz&BowinkelComment:
  • ... heartbeats measured with finger pulse sensors. When the two participants do not share the same frequency of their heartbeats, the...
  • ... neutrinos, using a cubic-kilometer of instrumented ice starting 1450 meters below the surface at the South Pole. ILDm^3 sits...
    ... space. The installation consists basically of two types of participants: the central figure or host, sitting in the middle of the...
  • ... Bodyfraction parallels microscopic images of fragments of the artist’s body (tooth enamel, skin, nails, hair etc.) with recordings...
    ... look like microscopic imagery and the morphology of bodily particles. The bodily tissue is mediated in a variety of observation...
  • Development of the eight cubic foot model of the IceCube Neutrino Observatory began as an optimization of an eariler model used by WIPAC for education and outreach. That version had one light per twenty DOMs represented in the IceCube array. One of
  • Homunculus Agora -
    homunculus agora (h.a) is a large-scale architectonic installation of several dozen sculptural bodies (homunculi) that are organized in a fluid-like cluster, appearing at the Markham Museum in the Land|Slide Possible Futures exhibit from September