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  • Elastic Fax 2 -
    Artists around the world were invited through the Internet to transmit sequential images, to form by chance the sequences of a self-organizing...
  • Eyepiece -
    ... eyeballs in 1979. In 1983, it was re-filmed for the Siggraph Art Show using Ed Tannenbaum’s realtime image processor to make an...
  • Beyond Pages -
    ... of his works “experiments”. To him, BEYOND PAGES is a piece of art. This is among others due to the well-defined framework conditions...
  • Telephony -
    Telephony allows gallery visitors to dial into a wall based grid of 42 Siemens mobile telephones, which in turn begin to call each other and create a piece of 'music.' Each phone has been individually programmed with a different ringtone, which
  • Thalamus -
    ... (cyber)space and as such draws a parallel between the unearthing of buried information in the brain with some ideas of...
  • Triggerhappy -
    ... environment in which we live, work and play. "In effect", the artists say, "triggerhappy becomes a folly. A self-defeating...
  • Speaking in tongues -
    Speaking in Tongues is a gallery based environment examining Our relationship with narrative and dataflow invisibly coursing through our environment all the time space where all manner of wireless transmission augments our Spheres of Influence while
  • Image Fulgurator -
    ... connotation, an intervention with the Fulgurator can be particularly effective. Especially objects with a special aura or great...
  • Passion5 -
    The intervention of Knowbotic Research includes several, sometimes contradictory levels. On the one hand, it reflects political culture in the early 21st Century, pointing to its limits. mutate to a worker moving recorded chants to mere sound that
  • My Black Cat -
    In a series of 'test cases', Knowbotic Research investigate the construction of identity, power, and communication.The installation Black_Cat confronts the constitution of subjectivity under the current post-media condition. In this installation,