Archive Search

  • Schroeder, Michael and Daniela A. Plewe and Andreas Raab. Ultima Ratio - A Visual Language for Argumentation In Proceedings of International Conference on Information Visualisation, London, UK, edited by IEEE Computer SocietyVol.IV. , 510-515.
  • Sommerer, Christa and Maurice Benayoun and Lucy Petrovich and Knipp, Tammy and Thomas Lehner. Experimental Computer Art In Siggraph’99 Conference Abstracts and Applications, edited by ACM SIGGRAPH, 142-143. New York: 1999.
  • Fleischmann, Monika and Wolfgang Strauss. Intersections between Communication, Art and Technology - the CAT Study In New Media Culture in Europe: Art Research, Innovation, Participation, Public Domain Learning, Education Policy, edited by Frank
  • Fleischmann, Monika and Wolfgang Strauss. The CAT Study - A Virtual Communication, Art and Technology Network In Media Minds, European Media Art Festival, , 278-279. Osnabrück, DE: 1999.
  • Fleischmann, Monika and Wolfgang Strauss. The Virtual Balance: An Input Device for VR Environments. : GMD Forschungszentrum Informationstechnik, 1999.
  • Goldberg, Ken and Karl Bohringer and Ron Fearing. MicroAssembly In Handbook of Industrial Robotics, edited by S. NofHoboken, NY: John Wiley and Sons Ltd., 1999.
  • Einleitung
    Weibel, Peter. Einleitung In Kunst ohne Unikat: Multiple und Sampling als Medium: Techno-Transformationen der Kunst, edited by Peter Weibel, 9-10. Köln: Walther König Verlag, 1999.
  • Macho, Thomas. Das prominente Gesicht. Vom face to face zum Interface In Alle möglichen Welten. Virtuelle Realität - Wahrnehmnung - Ethik der Kommunikation, edited by Manfred Fassler, 121-135. München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 1999.
  • Fleischmann, Monika and Wolfgang Strauss and Vladimir Yelistratov. Interfacing Cultural Heritage In Proceedings of Eurographics Multimedia '99, edited by N. Correia and T. Chambel and G. Davenport: Springer Verlag, 1999.
  • Weibel, Peter. Erzählte Theorie - Multiple Projektion und neue Narration in der Videokunst der 90er Jahre In Video Cult/ures. Multimediale Installationen der 90er Jahre, edited by Ursula Frohne, 25-37. Karlsruhe, DE: ZKM Karlsruhe, 1999.