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  • McGarrigle, Conor and Noel Fitzpatrick. Real Smart (Data) City. Le colonialisme par des données In Le Nouveau Génie Urbain, edited by Bernard StieglerParis: FYP Éditions, 2020.
  • Sculptor's dream: a virtual world, with Donald Blevins, David Smalley, and Noel Zahler. The Fifth Biennial Symposium for Arts and Technology, NewLondon, CT (1995).
  • 2000-6 Untitled PLACE: Japan PARTICIPANTS: Christa Sommerer, Director of the Art and Technology Project, ATR Research Laboratories, Science City; Masamichi Tosa; Nobumichi Tosa, brothers and founders of Maywa Denki, a musical group whose innovations
  • Statement Seit Mitte der 90er Jahre des letzten Jahrhunderts beschäftige ich mich mit dem urbanen Raum, Naturphänomenen, dem menschlichen Körper, politischen Themen und virtuellen Welten. Im Rahmen meines Kunststudiums habe ich Werke entwickelt,
  • Capucci , Pier Luigi. Alba, arte transgenica, arte del vivente Noema - Tecnologie e Societá (2000).
  • What is life? -
    Event: What is life?Institution: NOEMALABComment:
  • Curator Björn Magnildøen of Noemata part of the White Page Gallery Network
  • Videotape [English title, The dancing and the dead] If YOU, yes YOU, the one I'm addressing, have already photographed corpses and the pried-open skull, that is even now beautiful picturedance of the corpseshots (the camera is moved) a dancer
  • The Year's Midnight, 2011 Computer, software, camera, high-resolution display, Seeing Machines face recognition 105.5 x 80 x 12 cm Ed. 3/6, 1 AP (RLH 89.3) White or black smoke bellows from the eyes of the viewer. Live and recorded eyeballs
  • homunculus.nimbus -
    homunculus nimbus is the third iteration of a previous work called, homunculus.agora, which was exhibited at Land|Slide Possible Futures, Markham Museum September 21st- October 14th 2013; and Farm To Table Exhibition, Markham Museum January 31st