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  • ... playing and healing. Recent projects include: (1) the Swisshouse project, a prototype...
  • ... Researcher, his current research topics include, Interactive 3D displays for multi-user...
  • ... Acevedo’s visual music explores the implications of synesthesia through computer animated geometry.
  • World Without End -
    ... first-person video game. The installation included a large-scale acrylic print of a...
  • ... a multitalented creator whose works also include the creation of characters and computer...
  • ... processes. His most recent projects include the mysterious packets toolkit, the 0xA...
  • ... of his mixed media works and which also included contributions from other artists and...
  • We are Stardust -
    ... of Video Signals”. The installation included two large screen projections in the...
  • ... ZDF. His media arts and movie credits include the German Video Award by ZKM Karslruhe...
  • ... pioneers. Outcomes of this project include two books and Bits in Motion, a film...