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  • ... on the field between music and technology. It ranges...
  • ... and galleries, published music and sound pieces, composed ...
  • ... to soap actor and musician. Attached to the camera,... a person, the biometric video analysis software assists... from artist to rock or porn star through to soap actor...
  • ... at the Fylkingen for New Music & Intermedia Art in... working with spatial video installation and...
  • ...6,54’ video, 3D modeling, 3D animation The video combines abstract...
  • ... one. John Supko, a Duke music professor and acclaimed... system preloaded with video, sound, and poetic text...
  • ...ruce Wands is an artist, writer and musician. He has lectured,... award winning design, video, animation and music for...
  • 2,38 The video was created for the track Cast to the Bottom...
  • ... SCHAHRAM POURSOUDMAND Music- & Sound Artist I Composer... s *Iconique* (LICHTPHON / IKONEN 1) Video-Music-Sound-Art-Vision...
  • ... mathematical dianoia as music, time and space. Using...