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  • ... the Delphic relationship you may have with networks, signals, codes and other things you can not fully comprehend but may opt in to....
  • Floating Signs -
    ... moving towards the harbour with ephemeral typefaces and visual codes in light. Like the selection of the words and icons, the dynamic...
  • ... situations that can disturb the apparent naturalness of the codes that govern social life and shape public domain, the life in...
  • ... It is in itself a cultural construct, subject to the codes and beliefs of those who have configured it, be it physically...
  • Virtual Book -
    ... sketches, discarded and unfinished thoughts, calculations and codes, texts, images, sounds and videos be documented in one formal...
  • ...Event: Programmed: Rules, Codes, and Choreographies in Art, 1965–2018Institution: Whitney Museum of American ArtComment:
  • Unexpected Growth -
    ... more numerous than the fish in the sea? "Programmed: Rules, Codes, and Choreographies in Art, 1965–2018" is organized by...
  • Eden -
    ... imagery to visualise the world, creating a kind of 'codespace' between land-scape and process-scape. Further, the...
  • ... espaço e memória são revisitados na videoarte de Fernando Codevilla, Felipe Barros, Kelly Wendt e Carlos Donaduzzi. A videoarte,...
  • ...Event: Group Exhibition of anyWare in CodeXInstitution: Onsite GalleryComment: