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  • Sacred texts drawn as calligraphy: Some of the most powerful books in history are trying to connect people to something that is beyond the range of ordinary thinking. These same books, when read through ordinary thinking, can be reduced to rules and
  • net.flag -
    ..."net.flag" is a flag for the Internet. Every nation on earth has a flag that identifies the territory of that nation, and the flag is a symbol...
  • Pulse -
    ... is a fascinating dream born out of the relation between art and the machine or computer. In these examples the user and the...
  • reWrite
    ...The focus of an artwork such as reWrite is identity. The work addresses this theme through the use of interactive systems, where the...
  • Pulsate (Ear on the Wall)(2007) Sachiko Kodama Collaborator: Minako Takeno In a white room a table, chair and an ear hang on the walls. The lighting of the room wraps down from the ceiling and onto the vertical wall. These off-centered
  • The Waiting Room -
    ... are strangers, united by the software, the Internet, and the artwork itself. In this space the visitor becomes a participant in a...
  • Feed -
    ... byte of text and images contained in the tree of web pages starting at that URL. In the case of a site with many links, such as...
  • solid
    ... is really playing a part. This natural behaviour makes these art works very appealing and a lot of fun to interact with. An added...
  • Sacred Code -
    ... and the Koran, as seen through a digital lens. In this new artwork, Napier has created algorithms that read these three books bit...
  • ... called “Ferrofluid Sculpture.” This technique enables artists to create more dynamic sculptures with fluid materials. One...