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  • Event: Bauhaus Farbfest: SilberInstitution: Bauhaus DessauComment:
  • Event: Quarxs à la Brain Factory: Dialogue between Maurice Benayoun and François SchuitenInstitution: Machines à dessiner à l'heure du numérique, Musée des arts et métiersComment:
  • Event: Quarxs, dessins et vidéosInstitution: Médiathèque Georges SandComment:
  • Event: Transdisciplinarité virtuelle, con-fusion et sens dessus dessousInstitution: H2PTM, Créer du sens à l'ère du numérique, Université Paris 8Comment:
  • reWrite
    The focus of an artwork such as reWrite is identity. The work addresses this theme through the use of interactive systems, where the relationship between the viewer and the artwork is explicit and active. This act of interaction functions to raise
  • Bewegung in Silber -
    Commissioned by Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau for the Bauhaus Farbfest: Silber 2. Prize at the competition ''Hören und Sehen'' organized by the ZKM (Center for Art and Media) in Karlsruhe and the Institute fuer Neue Musik in Darmstadt. Inspired by the
  • Rafael Lozano-Hemmer was born in Mexico City in 1967. In 1989 he received a B.Sc. in Physical Chemistry from Concordia University in Montréal, Canada. Electronic artist, develops interactive installations that are at the intersection of
  • Prophylexis -
    Kapton material was developed in sixties by Dupont, a chemistry american company. From the very beginning it was one of the main used materials by aeronautics industries for it´s hot and radiation isolates properties what was become in the ideal
  • Professor of cultural and media studies at Lodz University, Poland, where he is a Chair of School of Media and Audiovisual Culture. Professor at the Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź. 2001 – 2006: Professor of Media Art and Media Theory, Academy of
  • Intro Act
    Sommerer, Christa and Laurent Mignonneau. Intro Act In 3rd Biennale d´Art Contemporain de Lyon, edited by H. Destezet, 378-381. Paris: Reunion des Musees Nationaux/ Biennale d´Art Contemporain, 1995.