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  • Inspired by the "Industrial Revolution" and the subsequent changes in human development brought about by that revolution. A path that has and will lead humanity to both heaven and hell. I wanted to try to capture the paradox of this duality by
  • 400s -
    henrik menné 400s, 2010 Stearin, iron, wood, various electronics Supported by: The Danish Arts Council Committee for Visual Arts Courtesy: Galleri Tom Christoffersen, Copenhague this machine-sculpture is specially made for the exhibition and
  • Whether they are dynamic or static; sculptures by Henrik Menné are basically about process, balance and about organizing matter through both rigid systems and chance. The major part of Mennés production consists of large-scale machines or
  • In only its second year, VideoFest has become the largest european video festival. Video is a young artform; from the beginning, it has been a reaction to the “brave new world” of the highly technical mass societies with all their computers, nuclear
  • Event: Ellen Pearlman, Myths of Creation & Destruction, ISEA New Mexico 2012Institution: ISEA New Mexico Comment:
  • Machinery on the memory line of the configuration file... The 3 levels of images: Foreground-Matte-Background (Front-Back-Matte) The 3 levels of commodities: Sensitive-No-Sensitive-Suprasensitive. Oculus Oracle The labourer is distinguishable only
  • Andres E Burbano and Esteban García. Desxiframent del codi navajo amb Bill Toledo Artnodes: revista d'art, ciència i tecnologia (2015).
  • 4 Space -
    In this interactive installation, three viewers are able to manipulate components of a computer-generated image using multi-axis joysticks positioned in front of a projection screen. The image is a half octagonal cylinder that is divided into three
  • Energy conversion -
    In the plant cell, huge numbers of chlorophyll molecules are linked one to another. When they receive light, they synchronize their activity perfectly. Each of the molecules receives and transmits photons all the way to the reaction center of the
  • HAZE Express - video
    HAZE Express is an interactive computer installation that develops the metaphor of traveling and watching landscapes passing by through the window of vehicles such as trains, cars and air planes. When looking at a landscape at high speed, one does