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  • Documentary
  • TeleZone Overview -
    "Telezone" builds on many of the ideas of Ken Goldberg's earlier "Telegarden" (1995) also at the Ars Electronica Center, and allows a community of people to collaboratively create architectonic structures--and by extension social structures--at a
  • Robots Painting -
  • Documentary
  • In the center of the room, on a riser approximately 5 feet tall, a square fish tank, bare, approx 2x3x4 feet, spotlit from above. Inside swim 6 fat koi fish, one gold, the others white On one wall the video projector displays a computer animated
  • ... task in automated manufacturing processes is to orient parts prior to assembly. We consider sensorless orientation of a...
  • Robotics Research
  • ... examination of the animalistic are the topics of the Zurich media art group ‹knowbotic research› in their most recent project ANIMAL...
  • Petit Mal
    ...An interview with Artist Simon Penny about his robotic sculpture, Petit Mal.