Archive Search

  • Noite Branca MG -
    Event: Noite Branca MGInstitution: Função Clóvis SalgadoComment:
  • Event: FILE - Electronic Language International Festival 2017Institution: FILE - Electronic Language...
  • Event: EX, Arte electrónico experimentalInstitution: Mini HUBComment:
  • Event: CURRENTS NEW MEDIA 2017Institution: El Museo CulturalComment:
  • Universidad de Caldas - CCC Theater Founders 13 International Image Festival revolves around the theme "Digital creation and post-conflict" which proposes to reflect on the role of art, design and technology companies today must find ways to
  • Event: XIII INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF THE IMAGEInstitution: Visual Design Department, Universidad de...
  • 24h Social -
    Event: 24h SocialInstitution: Counterpath GalleryComment:
  • DRHA 2014 -
    Event: DRHA 2014Institution: University of GreenwichComment:
  • Newman Festival -
    Event: Newman FestivalInstitution: Newman FestivalComment:
  • Event: Computer Art Congress 5Institution: UNIVERSITÉ PARIS 8Comment: