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  • Event: CONVERGENCE: Glitch. Click. Thunk. Featuring Mark AmerikaInstitution: University Art Galleries – University of Hawaii – ManoaComment:
  • This installation was a singular contribution to the larger multimedia performance Cloud Theatre: Shanghai Odyssey, a confluence of projected images, videos, urban sounds and a dance theatre that took place in the large domed Shanghai Cement Plant as...
  • Event: Converging Parallel of Open Media ArtInstitution: City University Hong KongComment:
  • Conversation -
    Prompting a continuum between nature and culture, between species, and among the senses, Kac’s work questions the structures, mediations, and ultimately the supremacy of vision in art, while promoting synesthetic experiences that rearticulate...
  • "Conversation" is an interactive multimedia show. As I am free to alter succession, lenght and speed of the animated sequences by exploiting the interactive possibilities of the computer, and as Tibor Szemzõ is also free to vary the musical motifs...
  • Conversation -
    A unique digital painting on plexiglass 40" x 40"
  • Conversation Map -
    conversation map, 2000

    Website built with the Java and Perl programming languages

    Conversation Map summarises and visualises very large-scale conversations which take place online in mailing...
  • Conversation with LiquidatorsArtist: Pam SkeltonComment:
  • Conversations offers viewers an immersive, multimodal, interactive narrative experience exploring the events leading up to the escape, recapture, trial and hanging of Ronald Ryan at Pentridge Prison, Melbourne, in 1967; Ryan was the last person...
  • Conversations TIDD PUC SP Agosto 2020 Diana Domingues e Lucia Santaella