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  • Internetscapes -
    ... Staff) Internetbauanleitung (Internet Construction Manual) Netzitadelle (Internet Citadel) Internetscape 05 Internetscape 06
  • After Microsoft -
    The most distributed image ever is being phased out. What remains is a hill in Sonoma Valley, California. In the context of this project we have re-visited the hill. “After Microsoft” tells the story of a January day in the late 90’s when the hill
  • for pina
    ...for pina... Attakkalari Center for Movement Arts, Bangalore: "for pina..." a site-specific promenade performance presented with film...
  • YOU FADE TO LIGHT Commissioned by Philips Royal Electronics / Milan 2009 ‘You Fade To Light’ is is an interactive media installation that provokes a kinesthetic dialogue between the viewer and their very own mirror image. The work encourages
    ...PIXELSHADE (I & II) The ‘PixelShades’ are part of a series of projects that were developed for the occasion of showing with Ingo Maurer in...
  • Venetian 3 -
    ...Venetian 3 is a 7" vinyl record multiple edition of 200 with 3 recordings, that use audio material recorded in Venice, Italy, 2009. The Field...
  • ANGELS - video
    ... River), and the VPL Dataglove. Synopsis: By touching the hearts of Angels in a colorful carousel, you are allowed to experience...
  • Variations -
    ...Variations ( Elliott Carter ) photographic, self-animated work for the browser, 2008. Variations ( Elliott Carter ) was commissioned by...
  • CHAMBERS - video
    "CHAMBERS" is Stenger's second movie in the Virtual Reality TRILOGY, programmed in web-based VRML, it was also conceived for immersion. Narrative, recurrence, timelessness, all 3 aspects of time are at play, in this emotional progression through
  • DYNASTY - video
    "DYNASTY" is Stenger's third Virtual Reality movie, programmed for web-based VRML, but also conceived for immersion. Synopsis: A child again, you encounter ancestors from a remote past, who welcome you to your Dynasty. Together you will reach