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  • ...Generative Art created over the bases of Roger Penrose equations
  • ...enter the project here:artport.whitney.orgScroll down to launch ProjectPlease adjust your Java Security Settings in order to launch the Programme.Commissioned by the Whitney Museum.
  • Video mapping performance in Argentina, La Plata 2009, on historic train station . Several technics combining 2d 3d animations, video and light design, digital 3d reconstruction of historic train. General Direction and original music by GG
  • ..."Shapes in Maia" ( Photography )Artist: German GomezComment:
  • ... are mentioned everywhere. This map will be on display at the NYPL Science, Industry, and Business Library, New York, as part of the "Places & Spaces: Mapping Science" exhibition, from April 3rd - August 31st, 2006.
  • digital scenography and sound maps for theater play
  • TextArc
    ... text as two concentric spirals on the screen: each line is drawn in a tiny (one pixel tall) font around the outside, starting at the top; then each word is drawn in a more readable size. Important typographic features, like the mouse-tail shape of a...
  • TraceEncounters is a social network tracking and visualization project. It was debuted September 3 in Linz, Austria at the 2004 Ars Electronica festival. White circles connect cliques of size greater than 3 when the user clicks the 'Find cliques'
  • ... shortness of our lives and the petty concerns that often occupy us. The project is a collaboration between interactive media artist Scott Snibbe and choreographer/filmmaker Annie Loui.
  • ... data. Larger paradigms have more papers. Labels list common words unique to each paradigm. This work was commissioned and partially supported by Katy Borner and the Places and Spaces: Mapping Science exhibition.