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  • vessel
    Crockery design Stackable plates (project)
  • simply
    Standalone portfolio
  • Internet, digital carving Relics from the World Emotional Mapping Deflated emotional distorsions of the globe. The Frozen Feelings are 3D snap shots of the world's emotions. Digitally carved into different kind of materials. They are built
  • To explore the use of motion of physical objects to convey information and emotion, we have designed a series of Expressive Kinetic Objects. The Dyna-Lux is a kind of Expressive Kinetic Objects. The Dyna-Lux is a table lamp augmented with a
  • Triangles -
    This project explores the creation and use of a physical/digital construction kit. Triangles is a physical computer interface in the form of a construction kit of identical, flat, plastic triangles. The triangles connect together both physically and
  • inTouch -
    inTouch is a project to explore new forms of interpersonal communication through touch. Force-feedback technology is employed to create the illusion that people, separated by distance, are interacting with a shared physical object. The "shared"
  • PSyBench -
    ... manipulate a shared physical space. PSyBench is a part of the "Tangible Copresence" project which enhances distributed...
  • felix
    ...felixArtist: Maurice BenayounComment:
  • ... and now –seen at the exhibition at the Palazzo Strozzi- an art installation turns the map of world emotions into a music score ...
  • Arc de Triomphe -
    Permanent exhibition Exhibition design for the 200 years of the Arc de Triomphe Conception with Christophe Girault