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  • Ricardo Miranda Zuñiga and Sharon Daniel and Luis Blackaller and Manuel Orellana Sandoval and Andres Jurado and Andres Burbano. Catálogos Razonados: Artes Medievales Convergencias y Tecnologías. Idartes (2014).
  • For more than 10 years, Matt Mullican has been continuously developing a sign system which is, on the one hand, a product of his imagination, and on the other, taken directly from everyday life. Signs as they can be found in airports, train
  • The next period in Seaman's oeuvre employed video as a poetic technological vehicle, exploring sound, image and text relations within a slow pulsing hypnotic video space. Both linear tapes and video installations were produced. The tapes S.He
  • A l’image du « Corridoscope » de Buren, où alternent des bandes noires et blanches, le montage exploite une succession régulière de plans très courts. 935 mètres de bande adopte un tempo saccadé qui suit à la lettre celui de la bande son,texte et
  • Hyper Real -
    For her new series “Hyper Reality” Olga Kisseleva has photographed food items stolen by consumers in a supermarket and reconstructed them as still lives. Each photo allows one to paint a portrait. Olga Kisseleva’s historical references are situated
  • Water Wheel - video
    Water Wheel(1985), a seven channel installation presented through a circle of monitors, incorporating material from The Water Catalogue Music by Bill Seaman In Water Wheel I was exploring fragments from the linear work The Water Catalogue. A
  • Catalogue > Video >
  • Concertina -
    Print on gold-plated steel An UV print on gilded steel features a series of ornamental patterns. As in the project 'Violating Patterns (2014)', 'Concertina' adopts representations of NATO barbed wire models from the product catalogue of a
  • RMN, ed. 3e Biennale d´Art contemporain de Lyon - Catalogue de l´exposition du Musée d´Art Contemporain de Lyon (Dec. 1995 - Fev. 1996). Lyon: RMN - Reunion des Musees Nationaux Editions, 1995.
  • Grant Marchand, Sandra. Char Davies: Osmose In Project Series, exhibition catalogue Musée d´art contemporain de Montréal, : 1995.