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  • ...This augmented reality installation creates "pavilions of absence" in which images of contemporary artists, whose works in public space have been censored, are reduced to gold silhouettes and placed in the midst of terms of transgression. Each erased silhouette stands...
  • ...Last Entry: Bombay, 1st of July" is a collaborative documentary about a person, identity and gender unknown - a flaneur in the cultural space of the internet. Inspired by the novel "Orlando", written by Virginia Woolf in 1928, that reads like a visionary metaphor, this...
  • ... we can actually move around in their universe. To visit a six sided VR environment and to be totally enclosed in virtual space was a challenge to confront. Here, the artist let the double experience of space strongly influence the whole piece. The...
  • Re-Lighting -
    ...About 300 km above the Earth (the orbital altitude of the International Space Station), the planet's surface occupies an important place. During the day you can see the continents, at night - the lights of the cities. From further distance, the Earth gives the...
  • ... time the material reproductions on the glass create dematerialized sensory bodies whose projections transform our perception of space. The installation implies a moving viewer, as the surface textures vary with the viewing angle. – Uršula Berlot, 2014 'Uršula...
  • der zeresser -
    ... are autonomous entities. The four corners are capable of recognising when the object reaches the borders of its surrounding space. The six sides can control their own length and thereby change the shape of the whole object. This transformation also enables...
  • Difference Engine #3 -
    ... was used to calculate numerical positions. This piece calculates the captured image and position in the physical/virtual space of visitors to a physical space, located now at The ZKM Media Museum.
  • Quasar -
    ...Quasar is an immersive light and sound space made from prototype membranes and realized as an interactive light/sound object and comprised of a dense array of interlinked elements describing an intricate three-dimensional structure. The gallery is fitted with sensors...
  • Trans Plant - video
    ... and become part of a virtual jungle which starts to surround them. As the visitor steps forward into the installation space, he will see himself inside a projection screen in front of him. By walking freely and without any devices , he soon will...
  • Figure -
    ... cinematic sequences by means of real-time video trick. The resultat is projected on the white surface of the exhibition space. The spectator experiences his/her own image as part of the visual themes and virtual space of FIGURE. (Marikki Hakola)