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  • JavaMuseum, since 2000 one of the pioneers on the field of Internet based art, started in 2007 a discussion by releasing v.1.0 of a+b=ba? - art + blog = blogart? which became one of its most most popular
  • Cabin fever -
    In Cabin Fever, Cardiff and Miller reference traditional museum displays by using the formal structure of the diorama to transport the viewer into a scene depicting a cabin set deep in the woods. The captivating soundtrack, draws the viewers into
  • FishFace -
    FishFace is a gestural input device with proximal visual feedback. It detects motion using a "LazyFish" electric field module, and displays graphics on an array of LED's. The integration of the display and sensing creates the illusion that the
  • Jody Zellen is a Los Angeles based artist who works in many media simultaneously making interactive installations, mobile apps, net art, animations, drawings, paintings, photographs, public art, and artists' books. She employs media- generated
  • "Unreal City" is a collection of images I have found on the walls in the Soho and Bowery areas of New York City. Every day these walls change as new layers of advertising are pasted over old, creating a soup of words, faces and textures. Add
  • Beiguelman, Giselle. A coelhinha e a bioarte
  • Reed, Shona. Interview with Eduardo Kac
  • Digital98 -
    ASCI is pleased to give these digital works a venue both online as a permanent online exhibition, and displayed in the Technology Gallery at the New York Hall of Science and then in the Brooks Design Center Gallery at Cooper Union in Manhattan.
  • Marcello Mercado Live streamings from Dolmens, 2011 HD single channel video, 17min 35sec stereo 16:9 black/white/colour DNA-performance-installation- soundart (LIVE) 19/06/11 14:17 PM Dolmen2: 54° 44´23.99" N 11° 47´23.36" E elev. 4m
  • Jacob Lillemose. The Questions: Jodi [Kunstkritikk, June 2015].