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  • Laura Dekker’s research-based art practice considers the reciprocal roles of technologies in how we experience, make sense of, cope with, and construct ourselves and our world. She explores these ideas through interactive installations, combining
  • Jorn Ebner was born in Bremerhaven, Germany in 1966 and lives in Berlin, Germany. He attended Universität Hamburg, Germany (1990-95), Fondazione Antonio Ratti, Italy (1997) and Central St Martins College of Art, London (1995-98). He has exhibited in
  • Christopher Hales studied PhD research on Interactive Film Art at the RCA Film and TV Department, and taught as Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Art of the University of the West of England [Bristol] until 2001. His interactive films and CD-ROMs
  • Ascott, Roy. Behaviourist Art and the Cybernetic Vision In Multimedia. From Wagner to Virtual Reality, edited by Randall Packer and Ken Jordan, 104-120. New York, London: W. W. Norton and Company, 2002.
  • Brand, Steward. The Media Lab: Inventig the Future at M.I.T.. London: Penguin Press, 1988.
  • ... PhD student at Goldsmiths London with Atau Tanaka and Matthew Fuller, he investigates how body theory can inform the design of...
  • Cotton, Bob and Richard Oliver. Understanding Hypermedia: From Multimedia to Virtual Reality. London: Phaidon Press, 1993.
  • Rowlande, Wade, ed. Connected Intelligence: The Arrival of the Web Society. London: Kogan Page, 1998.
  • Godwin, Nicola. Tripping on the Light Fantastic The London Daily Telegraph (June 1997): 12-13.
  • Graham, Beryl and Carol Brown, ed. Serious Games. London: Barbican Art Gallery and Tyne and Wear Museums, 1996.