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  • ... emergence of networks, and considers any form of data to be a new clay that can be used to...
  • ... an experiment in communication as an art form in an avant-garde Fluxus tradition. She has...
    ... finds ways to rethink or reconsider form, function, context, body, network, and...
  • Day of the Figurines -
    ... real with the virtual, life with game, form with chaos. 'pervasive games are no...
  • Watchers
    ... being to seduce our vision. The forms themselves incorporate rewired TV's and are...
  • ... Her own "confronting the unknown" in the form of creative openness to the characteristics...
  • Big father -
    ... an imagination or dreaming in the form of synthetic computer imagery. The...
  • ... the text in either spoken or sung form. Two significant installations were produced...
  • Blue Stage -
    ... concrete urban measures currently taking form in Montpellier, Berlin and Copenhagen....
  • ... of fear of an invisible 'other' form a pre-emptive reaction to potential acts or...