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  • Mostra Passageiros -
    A mostra Passageiros levou a videoarte para dentro do MASM (Museu de Arte de Santa Maria - RS). A mostra foi uma realização da Galeria Mamute, com o apoio do PPGART/UFSM, Labart e do PPGAV/UFRGS. Esta foi a primeira, de uma série de mostras de
  • A l’image du « Corridoscope » de Buren, où alternent des bandes noires et blanches, le montage exploite une succession régulière de plans très courts. 935 mètres de bande adopte un tempo saccadé qui suit à la lettre celui de la bande son,texte et
  • Trends are all the trend. Alongside fashion and health it is analyses of economic trends and flows of finance and commodities which are shaping our environment. To what extent do they influence and change us as individuals and as a society? By
  • Inspired by the "Industrial Revolution" and the subsequent changes in human development brought about by that revolution. A path that has and will lead humanity to both heaven and hell. I wanted to try to capture the paradox of this duality by
  • Where are you from?_Stories, 2002-2009, is a net-art piece supported by a one-year research grant from the Canada Council for the Arts. The videos for the net-art piece were selected from approximately 200 15-minute videos captured in special events
  • In To Be Is To Get Cut, I consider the sociopolitical structures and behaviors that are otherwise hard to realize from inside the microcosm of society. To do that, I use digital media. That allows me to create a self-sustained ecosystem that exists
  • The Cybernetic Institute's Letter of Letters Manifesto Video and Text By Lila Moore Background The Cybernetic Institute's Letter of Letters Manifesto is the outcome of an auto-communication between the Cybernetic Institute and Seeker of True-files.
  • Fields of Origin NEXT NATURE / juried poster exhibition, I -NODE of Planetary Collegium 2015 By Lila Moore Novel forms and ideas arise unexpectedly from unknown or previously unsuspected origin. Being new and full of mysterious possibilities, they
  • Romy Achituv is an experimental interdisciplinary artist whose work engages issues of representation, language, time, and memory. Underlying his practice is an ongoing interest in the language of visual representation and in dynamics of
  • Jack Holmer and the aesthetic of affect In search of technological Affective Poetics, the artist wanders the form, trying to visualize that which lacks connection, interaction and support. This happens in the Stratosphere, in Physical Mountains,