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  • Inter Caetera Divina -
    Throughout the 5-day show, the robot arm drew world maps taken from the time of Columbus up through World War II. The title refers to the 1493 proclamation by Pope Alexander VI that divided the New World between Spain and Portugal.
  • Latent State - video
    This project was developed during 2009 as part of my MFA thesis at the Design Media Arts department at UCLA. It consisted in the creation of a live cinema piece using a number of resources for real-time AV performance and a combination of digital
  • The ‘Touch’ project aims to transform the general perception of a media façade, in this case the Dexia Tower, from a marketing and corporate image device towards an urban light art work. The challenge lies in the design of participation and
  • García Canclini, Néstor and Pat Badani, ed. Extranjería como contexto. Interculturalidad y arte digital iberoamericano. Vol.ISBN: 978-987-1496-03-7. pages 77 to 89, Extranjeros en la Tecnología y en la Cultura th ed.Buenos Aires, Argentina:
  • Hierholzer, Michael. Der Kaktus ist der Killer Frankfurter Allgemeine (February 14th 1993).
  • World Wide Video Festival, ed. World Wide Video Festival, Catalogue 14th. 1996 th ed.Amsterdam, The Netherlands: World Wide Video Festival, 1996.
  • February: 14th Japan Media Arts Festival Exhibition of Award-winning Works Dates: February 2–13, 2011 Venue: The National Art Center, Tokyo (Roppongi, Tokyo) Entries: 2,645 works (including 694 from overseas) Visitors: 70,126 people
  • Event: City Confusion II (photography)Institution: 14th Pingyao International Photo FestivalComment:
  • People on the Fly -
    2016 Galerie Charlot (14th June - 27th July) - Paris, France
  • García Canclini, Néstor and Pat Badani, ed. Extranjería como contexto. Interculturalidad y arte digital iberoamericano. Vol.Book chapter. ISBN: 978-987-1496-03-7, Extranjeros en la tecnología y la cultura th ed.Buenos Aires, Argentina: Colección