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  • Figment
    ... with our...
  • MELT -
    ... with and... long by 4...
  • electric earth -
    ... with...
  • Sensetable -
    ... a flat...
  • American digital artist. His work has been exhibited at a variety of national and international venues including the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte in Spain; the Laguna Art Museum in Laguna Beach, California; the Museum of Modern Art in New York,
  • Protrude, Flow -
    ... with a déjà... flat... inside....
  • Surveillance technology, robotics and computers all feature in the work of Mexican-Canadian artist Rafael Lozano-Hemmer. As you enter the exhibition space, overhead cameras track your movements, triggering a reaction -- in one room rows of white
  • The Berlin Files -
    ... with your... in frozen... along to it....
  • ... with...
  • Ascott, Roy. The Future is Now: Art, Technology, and Consciousness. Beijing: Gold Wall Press, 2012.