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  • ... for Electronic Arts, Ed joined Soda Creative Technologies Ltd ( as...
  • ... Art and Director of the Studio for Creative Inquiry at Carnegie Mellon University,...
  • ... and museum settings via her company Creative Nerve, Inc. Creative Nerve commissions...
  • ... equity, and process. In the field of creative writing, Flanagan is known as a writer of...
  • ... art practice, he reflects critically creative, cultural, social, ecological and...
  • ... subject areas related to digital media, creative research methods, and sustainable...
  • ... partly replace man, conceptualising his creative actions. The result is the advent and...
  • ... his drawings as the foundation for his creative exploration with the computer. With...
  • ... tenantspin project (Foundation for Art & Creative Technology, Liverpool 2001-7) and between...
  • ... work. In art projects, he explores the creative, technical and relational aspects of...