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  • TextArc
    ...TextArc: Revealing Word Associations, Distribution and Frequency. TextArc is a tool designed to help people discover patterns and concepts in...
  • Greenhouse Converter -
    ... the carbon dioxide. The light is observed in the aquarium as the word “beloved”, in blue, made up from single LEDs which can be...
  • Conversation -
    ... is never given, but instead must be construed by participants word-by-word, frame-by-frame.
  • ... the carbon dioxide. The blue light in the aquarium reads as the word “beloved”, which is a reference to the endosymbiosis theories of...
  • ... This text is censored draconically: of the philosopher’s 1,500 word-long responses, only one word is left legible, and it is a...
  • ...Poetry is the art of the word, but it can also be the art of human restlessness before the limits of language. So, it is expected that poets...
  • CrypoMania -
    ...The exhibition’s title, Cryptomania, is a composite of the word Crypto, a technological trend that expresses the encryption of private...
  • Perhaps -
    ... 2. The poem is a world with 24 avatars, each a different word. Each reader, in order to read the poem, must establish his or...
  • ... display there is a continuous random selection of descriptor words from the library's database of book titles. On the spiral...
  • Word Play
    ... which stages both the classics and contemporary theatre. Word Play is constructed of two LED text displays that are mounted on...