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  • ... cave. This is especially evident when a viewer places the iPad interface directly up against a wall, at which point its laser-scan...
  • ... content in anaglyphic red/green 3-D, and the user interface, which is a handle from an urban subway train (that should...
  • Marchive
    ... multi-spectator interaction paradigm. Visitors use a tablet interface to elicit actions on the screen. The interactive data-scape...
  • ... such as the CD-ROM Rehearsal of Memory—which creates its interface out of a collage of the skins of the inmates and staff of...
  • ... exist outside of our head, they are completely created by our brain and so definitely "virtual". Every kind of pressure – be it with...
  • ... control, points or handles. Commands less destructive. Big brains in the selection and elimination. The Capital: Extremely long...
  • ... -- This is an interactive piece with a pictographic interface bearing the same Maya glyphs used in the previous piece –...
  • [ in time time ] -
    ... in are: - “Humans are physical beings with evolved brains and evolved minds. Humans are also moral agents with...
  • ... "patterns of interest". Terrapattern provides an open-ended interface for geospatial query-by-example. Simply click an interesting...
  • Geode - video
    ... affects the intensity of the experience through a Bluetooth interface. The piece overall gives an ambience of otherworldly beauty...