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  • Eternal Summer -
    ... not unlike "samples" found in techno and other pop music to create a sense of rhythmic and repetitive action. They replay at...
  • ... software uses generative algorithms and random processes to create a stream of ever-changing color sequences without the...
  • ... into clothes, like ballerina tutus (AUDIO BALLERINAS), I also create large interactive sound sculptures made with hundreds of...
  • ... constructed around a DVD screen. The sound from the headphones creates the illusion of being in a regular theater surrounded by...
  • In Conversation -
    ... sing a song or dance - on occasion using the text dialogue to create percussive, rhythmic 'music'. The street participants...
  • Kwangju Biennale 2004 -
    ... from different backgrounds from all around the world – to create a platform for active discussion and dialogue amongst the...
  • Homunculus Agora -
    ... This is a metaphor for the relation of the technology we create to ourselves, which is deeply connected to our bodies and the...
  • ... I asked, "What did you do today?" In this endeavour, I created a painting for each day of my life over the course of a year....
  • NANO Mandala -
    ... sand mandala of Chakrasamvara seen in this installation was created by Tibetan Buddhist monks from the Gaden Lhopa Khangtsen...
  • ... unfolded. The digital-image processing techniques used to create transitions between these images and the locations they...