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  • Pathway A
    Pathway Series. 29" by 23", 2000. Algorithmic pen and ink drawing on paper with 2 gold leaf elements. In this work the "all-over" distributions are linear random walks with numerous iterations. The text-like inscription is an
  • Pathway B
    Pathway Series. 29" by 23", 2000. Algorithmic pen and ink drawing on paper with 2 gold leaf elements. In this work the "all-over" distributions are linear random walks with numerous iterations. The text-like inscription is an
  • Pathway 1
    Pathway Series. 29" by 23", 2000. Algorithmic pen and ink drawing on paper with 2 gold leaf elements. In this work the "all-over" distributions are linear random walks with numerous iterations. The text-like inscription is an
  • I.E.D (Improvised Empathetic Device) The current U.S. led war in Iraq has suffered enormous casualties, where the toll on civilian lives in Iraq is vague and many times unreported. The number of U.S. casualties is reported and monitored, many of
  • Fitness Art Centre -
    Three screens are linked to three body-building machines that visitors are invited to use. Doing so activates images of demonstrators projected onto the screens but blurred by the random appearance and disappearance of big brand logos. The whole
  • sonja bäumel in collaboration with maurizio montalti (Officina Corpuscoli) mirko daneluzzo & tommaso casucci (Co-de-iT) Waag Society's Open Wetlab WASP self-initiated WORKSHOP AT THE WAAG SOCIETY AMSTERDAM Interactions between Biological and Digital
  • He is a multidisciplinary installation and media spanish artist. Research Fellow at the center for Advanced visual studies at MIT from 1977-1984. His art works have been exhibited widely in the Museum of Modern Art, the Gwangju biennale, the Venice
  • Working extensively with social-political context from the 1980s, in 1991 (art)n created »The Equation of Terror« which referred to the Gulf War. The work entailed animated mathematical equations and PHSColograms which depicted economic, biological
  • Huang, Jeffrey and Muriel Waldvogel. Interactive Wallpaper In ACM SIGGRAPH 2005 - Electronic Art and Animation Catalog, ACM New York: 2005.
  • The Messenger is an Internet driven installation based on early proposals for the electrical telegraph, in particular those made by the Catalan scientist Francesc Salvá. It examines the metaphors encoded within technology, especially lost or