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  • FIRMAMENT - video
    In the center of the landscape, a lake (eye of the earth) is the mirror to a virtual cosmos, where life is designed by the stars' behaviors which simulate a living organism. An artificial world crowded with dots of lights and sounds, generate trough
  • Blowup
    Blowup is an interactive performance environment, designed for choreographed performances and public interaction. The work consists of a large video projection in which video imagery of the performers/viewers is manipulated in real-time. The
  • Inter-Sections explored issues of privacy, mobility and technological voyeurism in a game-like context. The project involved outfitting a New York City taxi cab with a custom-designed Global Positioning Satellite receiver and a digital camera, both
  • Four Stories with a Twist is an algorithmically generated ‘music video’ with an original music score and script. The script is based on Albert Camus’ The Stranger and takes place in contemporary Paris. The music was written for a jazz ensemble and
  • This proposed expanded cinema installation was an outdoor projection screen on which projected 35mm movies would materialize in smoke and steam. Mounted high on a steel frame, the approximately 6 m x 4 m screen was a shallow box construction with
  • This interactive installation was first shown at the Bonnefanten Museum, in Maastricht, where its apparatus was a CRT monitor and a custom-designed joystick. For this work the authors researched the conceptual and aesthetic paradigms of the Legible
  • In 2013 the internationally acclaimed Chinese calligraphy master Wang Dongling created a 2.5meter wide and 30-meter long calligraphic work of art as a gift to City University of Hong Kong The painting hangs down the nine floors of the imposing
  • Video of the launch of a helium ballon to the Stratosphere (20 kilometers high up). The balloon carried a payload with an experiment using 3 black and white video cameras with color filters in front in order to produce a final video in full color.
  • The PHSCologram is a homage to 'Have a Nice Day' produced in 2002 by Ellen Sandor in collaboration with Martyl Langsdorf’ the author of Doomsday Clock, originally designed for the cover of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists magazine in 1947. The
  • OPEN SKY GALLERY is an international platform and gallery designed to envision specially curated time-based artworks amidst Hong Kong’s public urban space. The Open Sky is a twofold project including Open Sky Gallery for artists and Open Sky Campus