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  • Fischer, Hervè, ed. Théorie de l'art sociologique. Paris: Casterman, 1976.
  • Sommerer, Christa and Laurent Mignonneau. Modeling Complexity for Interactive Art Works on the Internet In Art and Complexity: At the Interface, edited by John Casti and Anders Karlquist, 85-107. Amsterdam, NL: Elsevier, 2003.
  • Alcalá Mellado, José Ramón and Virginia Paniagua. Metáforas visuales de la ciudad digital actual, dos décadas después In La ciudad Digital; esperanzas, riesgos y desilusiones en las redes., edited by Col. Estudios #145, 157-190. Cuenca, Spain:
  • Escribano Belmar, Beatriz and José Ramón Alcalá Mellado and Rubén Tortosa and Ana Soler and Lieve Prins, ed. Processes: The Artista and the Machine. Reflections on the historical Media Art. Cuenca: Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha,
  • Event: Ornitorrinco in the Sahara (St. Petersburg Biennale, The School of The Art Institute of Chicago, Aldo Castillo Gallery)Institution: the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC)Comment:
  • Alchemy -
    Interactive digital video installation 2 interactive laser discs under computer control colour, silent Alchemy is an interactive illuminated manuscript, inspired by medieval books such as Les Tres Riches Heures de Duc De Berry. The theme of
  • José R. Alcalá is a media artist, curator, and researcher. Head Professor of New Media Art at the University of Castilla-La Mancha. Director of the Ibero-American Observatory of Digital and Electronic Arts. Director of ASRI; Art and Society;
  • At the same time an innovative art installation, a world premiere, and a prototype for brain design technology. Brain Cloud is part of the Brain Factory series of works helping the visitors, recently converted into “brain-workers”, to give shape to
  • Artist: Jeannette CastioniComment:
  • The Castle -
    The Castle is a large scale interactive video projection designed for specific architectural sites. The title makes reference to Kafka's novel of the same name, the work taking as its subject the incomprehensible character of systems of