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... and culture. The site is a poetic and potent piece of Internet art." (source:...
... of weather, some grafitti, and you have an unconscious art form. (source:
... occasion of the Ninth International Symposium on Electronic Art (1998). They were created as homage to Alan Turing celebrating...
... occasion of the Ninth International Symposium on Electronic Art (1998). They were created as homage to Alan Turing celebrating...
... occasion of the Ninth International Symposium on Electronic Art (1998). They were created as homage to Alan Turing celebrating...
... occasion of the Ninth International Symposium on Electronic Art (1998). They were created as homage to Alan Turing celebrating...
The Rocktown Scrolls are named after the Pennsylvania coalfield “patch” where I grew up dreaming wondrous dreams while sliding down the ash-dumps. They present colorful pen & ink drawings accompanied with passages selected from a wide range of
...Sound-Installation "Mori" is an Internet-based earthwork that engages the earth as a living medium. In this installation, minute movements of...
The Rocktown Scrolls are named after the Pennsylvania coalfield “patch” where I grew up dreaming wondrous dreams while sliding down the ash-dumps. They present colorful pen & ink drawings accompanied with passages selected from a wide range of