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  • John Tonkin is a Sydney based new media artist. After studying science and then playing with photography, experimental film and animation, he began making computer animation in 1985. Tonkin develops his own software in programming languages such as
  • Timo Toots is a new media artist, photographer, and programmer based in Estonia. He studied computer science at Tartu University, and photography at the Estonian Academy of Arts. His works focus on the transformation of surveillance of society by
  • Puzin, M.. Simmulation of Cellular Patterns by Computer Graphics. Toronto, CAN: University of Toronto, Department of Computer Science, 1969.
  • Rosenblueth, Arturo and Norbert Wiener and Julian Bigelow. Behaviour, Purpose, and Teleology Philosophy of Science 10, no. 1 (January 1943): 18-24.
  • Sutherland, N. S.. Machines Like Men Science Journal 4 (October 1968): 44-48.
  • Willet, Jennifer. BIOTEKNICA: Reflections on Reproductive and Cloning Technologies Graduate Researcher: Journal for the Arts Science and Technology 1, no. 2 (2003).
  • Mari Velonaki has worked as an artist and researcher in the field of interactive installation art since 1995. Velonaki has created interactive installations that incorporate movement, speech, touch, breath, electrostatic charge, artificial vision
  • Vanessa Vozzo is a media artist and professor. She has been working in art since 1990. Specializing in media art from 2005, particularly in the field of art and science/hybrid art and interactive/open documentary. She uses interactive, immersive and
  • Jennifer Willet is a biomedia artist and professor with a strong focus on laboratory aesthetics and participatory practices methodologies. Currently, she is Director of Incubator Lab at the University of Windsor in Canada. Her work resides at the
  • Potts, John. Helyer's progress: fusing art and science [].