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  • Boreas -
    A matrix of sixty-four tubes is spread out equally over the room. These tubes bend over extremely slowly as if a slow motion wind were touching them. Leaning into one another they reach out to the visitors like the tentacles of a giant snail. The
  • Compass -
    ... or repulsion that can be compared to be being in a magnetic field. You can explore this environment and discover a tactile...
  • Sleep Walking -
    ... medical care, and are beginning to substitute as our sexual partners. Just as the computer and the automobile have augmented our...
  • Looking for God -
    The origin of the God-idea has always been a hot topic amongst those involved in seeking truth. Creationists will argue that the God-idea is built into us, believing that we were all made in the God's image. Evolutionists will argue that the
  • Mirror -
    A dark room with a large vibrating mirror deforms the reflection of the visitor. (The installation is to be visited individually.) At first the vibrations are so subtle that you might wonder if it are your own eyes that are having trouble to focus.
  • Plain Text -
    ... typewriters, and time, the monkeys will type out any particularly text you choose. If one instructs the monkeys (or monkey...
  • Unending Closure -
    The events that have unfolded since the turn of the century, in addition to the unending technological parade of innovation and the bloating of Media influence over the world has yielded not a people that enjoy Sunday afternoon picnics on the moon,
  • 8520 S.W. 27th Place -
    ... between left or right, brown shoes or black shoes, K-mart or Wal-mart. The exhibit features modified Dancing Hamster Toys,...
  • Phoney -
    Most days we spend a great deal of time watching screens and massaging interfaces. It is only through the looking glass of our devices that we may assume our electronic doppelganger. Wearing it like invisible armor, our avatar helps us navigate and
  • Conclusive Evidence -
    ... on the titles is all the more pertinent when related to the artist's idea of demonstrating that the distance between two points...