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  • ... of the piece and turn it on and off. Video courtesy of the artist and bitforms gallery nyc.
  • ... memory of the device, --thus, every drawing is different. The artwork is the device itself not the drawings it makes: the collector...
  • Tutor -
    ... the identity of the user making the request. But the Russian artist delved deeply into the growing importance of these tools and...
  • ... as monuments, as state heritage, and so on. This project, as part of the Biennale, is a 'partial' celebration of this history, filled...
  • ... effectively left to die...until the Biennale planned its re-use as an art site. This artwork’s recovery of Tanglin’s electrical ‘body’ is a...
  • ... 14m / 48' balloon "Solar Equation" is a large-scale public art installation that consists of a faithful simulation of the Sun,...
  • The Year's Midnight, 2011 Computer, software, camera, high-resolution display, Seeing Machines face recognition 105.5 x 80 x 12 cm Ed. 3/6, 1 AP (RLH 89.3) White or black smoke bellows from the eyes of the viewer. Live and recorded eyeballs
  • ... The concept of self-creation is an inspiration for all art that depends on participation to exist. Video courtesy of the...
  • Changes of State -
    ... out, to reduce the chances of the PWD (public works department, which is on the lookout for electrical violations) finding...
  • ... and residents themselves. As you turn the crank, the lit part of the ring of lights moves, for example from the Kothari building...