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  • Strauss, Wolfgang and Monika Fleischmann. Information Jukebox? A semi-public device for presenting multimedia information content. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 7(3-4), no. DOI: 10.1007/s00779-003-0219-x (July 2003): :217-220.
  • Andres-Leonardo Burbano-Ceron and Adriana Barreto-Sosa and Aida Gonzalez-Carsolio and Andrea Aida Velasco-Medina and Guillermo Velázquez-Sámano. Botox Injections in Larynx as a Treatment for Vocal Cord Dysfunction WAO Journal (FEBRUARY 2012):
  • ADA Artist Interview with Suzanne AnkerArchive of Digital Art, September 2021Full text and interview by Carla Zamora on ADA: are considered being a
  • Knowbotic Research investigates in the context of the "war of terror" legal frameworks which inscribe and determine in mostly invisible layers our public fields of action. KR directs the attention away from the dominant layer of represen-tation
  • Camille Baker is an artist-performer/researcher/curator within various art forms: immersive experiences, participatory performance and interactive art, mobile media art, tech fashion/soft circuits/DIY electronics, responsive interfaces and
  • COMBATscience -
    Multimedia environment with performative inserts 'COMBATscience' takes the life stories of the German scientist and Nobel Prize winner Friedrich Haber (1868–1934) and his wife, the chemist Clara Immerwahr (1870–1915), as motifs for the development
  • Mixed reality installation 'COMBATscience Augmented' reimagines the 2008 multimedia environment 'COMBATscience', realised in cooperation with Cathrin Pichler in the Volkstheater in Vienna, and transforms it into another sensory setting. The life
  • COMBATscience -
    Theater piece
  • The Dump - recyclage d’idées est une sorte de laboratoires d’idées artistiques. Les artistes ont été encouragés à prolonger les concepts d’un autre artiste, à utiliser les concepts entreposés sur le blog de Maurice Benayoun. Au lieu de recettes
  • Recreación Técnica es una serie que aborda la imagen como resultado de distintas fuentes de contenido: la experiencia propia a través de la memoria, los estados de pensamiento inconsciente y las múltiples otras formas en las cuales nuestro cerebro