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  • Apparatus for seeing your self from above In computergames you can see your game character from different perspectives. In the first parts of the game GTA (Grand Theft Auto) you lead your character from the bird’s eye view from above. In real
  • This musical composition and immersive installation explores the vibrational and interconnected essence of the universe. It delves into the dynamic web of waves and resonances that link all matter and energy, permeating all aspects of existence,
  • mimesia -
    Mimesia is an interactive painting that draws the viewer into a dream-like flow of unfolding narrative. As if in a dream, the viewer can look around but cannot control what will happen next. The work incorporates paradigms from painting, film and
  • Territorism - video
    Dynamic video projection Project for the facade of Kunsthaus Bregenz (AT) Assistance: Patricia Köstring Sound: Nico Kirisits Post-production: Peter Koger, Manuel Maxl Recording and projection: Mäser digital media/Daniel Flatz Performer
  • This was an improvisation performance with digital projections and live video, with script written by Esteban Ulrich. The software Moldeo was used to generate the real-time visuals, and I contributed with some of the programming. It took place at
  • Boca en la red es una videocreación El trabajo consiste en la proyección de una boca femenina que sonríe en un movimiento fluctuante. La escena está fragmentada en siete partes y cada una de ellas se mueve independientemente. Al observar la
  • Tecno Escena 2005 -
    Event: Tecno Escena 2005Institution: Centro Cultural BorgesComment:
  • Recreación Técnica es una serie que aborda la imagen como resultado de distintas fuentes de contenido: la experiencia propia a través de la memoria, los estados de pensamiento inconsciente y las múltiples otras formas en las cuales nuestro cerebro
  • Gallinero - video
    Gallinero es una obra audiovisual en donde ocho huevos mantienen una conversación que nunca termina. La obra se presenta escenográficamente como un segmento de gallinero arrancado y traído al espacio expositivo en donde cobra vida. El motor de la
  • Digital video installation The project was initiated with prof.Jean-Louis Boissier and Daniel Pinkas and produced with Haute Ecole d'arts appliques de Geneva, and was shown at the Centre pour L'image Contemporarie, Saint Gervais Geneva.