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  • Boca en la red es una videocreación El trabajo consiste en la proyección de una boca femenina que sonríe en un movimiento fluctuante. La escena está fragmentada en siete partes y cada una de ellas se mueve independientemente. Al observar la
  • Tecno Escena 2005 -
    Event: Tecno Escena 2005Institution: Centro Cultural BorgesComment:
  • Recreación Técnica es una serie que aborda la imagen como resultado de distintas fuentes de contenido: la experiencia propia a través de la memoria, los estados de pensamiento inconsciente y las múltiples otras formas en las cuales nuestro cerebro
  • Gallinero - video
    Gallinero es una obra audiovisual en donde ocho huevos mantienen una conversación que nunca termina. La obra se presenta escenográficamente como un segmento de gallinero arrancado y traído al espacio expositivo en donde cobra vida. El motor de la
  • Digital video installation The project was initiated with prof.Jean-Louis Boissier and Daniel Pinkas and produced with Haute Ecole d'arts appliques de Geneva, and was shown at the Centre pour L'image Contemporarie, Saint Gervais Geneva.
  • NeORIZON is a urban interactive art installation produced for Horizon Outdoor exhibit during eArts Festival Shanghai, October 18-22 2008 curated by Yan Xiaodong. The city skyline defines the "profile" of the City. It is the visible part of its
  • "Reference Flow," 2009 1 or 5 Neon Exit Signs, motors, computerized surveillance tracking system, slip rings, custom software dimensions variable edition of 6, 1 AP "Reference Flow" is an interactive installation where a number of illuminated
  • Print on gold-plated steel The golden tableau depicts the outline of the Mediterranean Sea and its neighbouring states; escape routes and ferry routes, routes of cruise liners and patrol boats that cross the sea on their journeys were superimposed,
  • Davide Bevilacqua is a media artist and curator interested in network infrastructures and technological activism, as well as experimental presentation formats for artistic work and research. His current research deals with the environmental and
  • Medi@terra 2000 -
    Neo[techno]logisms The neologism NEOTECHNOLOGISM, for Medi@terra 2000, is a starting-point for a series of activities which aspire to escape from the meanings which define them, in search for a new identity. This is not a festival (ceci n'est