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  • Manovich, Lev. What Comes After Remix?
  • Digital video 2 mins 10 secs colour, stereo sound by Jon Rose A short work based on the ideas and suggestions of the violinist and composer Jon Rose. (source:
  • Olhos -
    Olhos was an interactive digital internet-based artwork that was created by Beatriz Albuquerque in 1999-2003 ( It was uploaded for the first time on the Internet on 2003 and was part of the Web biennial 2003 de Instanbul,
  • I curated TRACE with Anna Novakov and Yvonne Senouf at Pro Arts gallery, and exhibited Study 7/0 (
  • Mirrors: the Real and the Virtual, an information display about the project on view at the NASA-Goddard Research Center in Greenbelt, MD, where the project was developed in collaboration with optics engineer Joseph Howard between 2003 - 2005.
  • Azimuth 77 - video
    Sebastián Sánchez Zelada and Marcello Mercado Azimuth 77, 2006, Performance, 21 min. 26 sec., stereo 4:3 colour This video is about a serie of performances that relates specific points in the tracking of Iridium-mobile
  • Presentation of the artists work as part of this international conference on computer and communications technology mediated creative textual and poetic work. [source:]
  • Laatikkomo. Interview-Laatikkomo
  • "An Anecdoted Archive from the Cold War" is an interactive CD-ROM and computer-media installation project that explores the inscription of historical narrative through the process of archive construction. This non-linear index, or narrative features
  • Benayoun, M.. Tentative de définition de l'Art Numérique