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  • ... of the terminal passage runs inside the online virtual world Second Life. The 3-D model...
  • ... by De Nijs from a series of multilingual online search results, the initial 75,000 strong...
  • ... a range of international exhibitions both online and in physical spaces with an...
  • ... systems of knowledge, websites, online images, maps, archives, catalogues and...
  • Be prepared tiger -
    ... vehicle, and in he logic of the online shop that sells the stealth boat.
  • ... She also curates the White Empathy Box online gallery and is a member of White Page...
  • ... in the gallery space and also accessible online at where...
  • parallel -
    ... Magazine ( A 7-hr version of the piece was...
  • ...Interactive online news channel "Be the first to know - watch" « TV» shows you the...
  • .. The wide spectrum of his research projects includes: media archaeology of Latin America, 3D-modelling of Photogrammetry technology and data-translation into digital media ..