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  • ... images, text, animations, voice and music triggered by a series of inputs. Visitors can then transverse the internet's data structure by selecting both the inputs and steering the visual flow of the information. In traditional browsers typing the word...
  • ...Two dancers/performers interact with an audio-visual environment. Their movement data control cameras, microphones, and architectural projections of 3D representations of each performance venue. Four scenes, made up of choreography and media, play on the theme of the...
  • ...ssels, Scott. Sustainable Cinema: The Moving Image and the Forces of Nature In Biologically-Inspired Computing for the Arts: Scientific Data through Graphics, edited by Anna Ursyn, 90-104. New York: IGI Global, 2012.
  • ... becomes a way to get real-time images of the world state of mind. Mechanics of Emotions a series of works that uses such data from the web, builds dynamic maps of the world’s emotions e-Spotting (Emotion Spotting) Internet-Music performance, and now...
  • ... Digital technologies permit them to establish a relationship between plants and sound. They display the effects of random data flow and plant interaction. The data is modified as the spectator meanders around and touches the installation, resulting in a...
  • Pupil
    ... is not one's own, that babbles. It is composed with different digital techniques that include but are not limited to pure data programming, the use of field recordings and free improvisation with electroacoustic interfaces. It was produced by Wirtshaus...
  • ... and Media Technology in Karlsruhe with the words: " and its groundbreaking interfaces create cognitive and data-related structures. What has emerged here is a model for an international educational infrastructure that deserves emulation."
  • ... peoples faces. The faces are analyzed by sophisticated software (contributed by the Fraunhofer Institut). The obtained mood data are then stored on a server and processed by the smiley on the screen to visualize the emotions in real-time
  • ... and projects since the early 1990's. He is best known for his projects focuses on the classification and visualization of data as in “Pockets Full of Memories” (2001) commissioned by the Centre Pompidou, Paris; “Slippery Traces” (1996) published by the...
  • ...Artist Statement: "Increased use of sensor technologies, big data, algorithms, surveillance, monitoring and tracking question what it means to be human in terms of privacy, individuality, authority, and the State. Using robotized voices, enhanced visual processing...