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  • SonoMorphis - video
    ... Three additional buttons are used to trigger mutations. The application and the webserver communicate via an IPC/TCP connection to distribute changes of the genom. A genom is composed of components each of which define a single structural or...
  • ... two different inventions and generate the visualization of a hybrid invention. An underlying logic defines a functional connection between the differing inventions. (B. Seaman)
  • Dis-M-Body -
    ... and messages as they dislocate and fracture one's sense of self, while simultaneously expanding one's sense of connection. Our sense of self is no longer created through direct experiences but instead through mediated and simulated experience....
  • ... cytoskeletons, braincells, clumps of worms, circuit boards, and very large scale integrated circuits (VLSI), and internet connection networks. Kenneth E. Rinaldo
  • ... a large projection and fixed images. The coreagrophy was stimulated by the sounds generated by the dansers provoking a strong connection of the bodies and the ephemeral images. René Berger had commented: "Something so important is hapenning here: this is...
  • ComTouch -
    ... registers the analog force of pressure from each finger as the object is squeezed. This force is transmitted over a wireless connection. At the receiving end, the transmitted force is represented by vibrations under each finger. Through this research, we aim...
  • Elastic Surgery -
    ... freeze" and an "unfreeze" button are also included. Please play the demonstration clip below that is best for your internet connection. One warp will stretch the ears out. Another may squash one's head and extend the chin in an impossible way. It...
  • LumiTouch -
    ... one user touches her picture frame, the other picture frame lights up. This touch is translated to light over an Internet connection. We introduce a semi-ambient display that can transition seamlessly from periphery to foreground in addition to...
  • mirrage -
    ... and, multiply mirrored and modified in real space, transmitted to speakers that are located in the exhibition space. Thus a connection is created on an acusmatique level of virtual and real space. Mirrage is an audio-visual feedback-circuit. (source:...
  • Light from Tomorrow -
    ... in San Jose responds to fluctuations and broader changes in outdoor light conditions in Nuku'alofa offering a tangible connection to the future, a window quite literally onto tomorrow. We think of the gallery component of this artwork as a romantic...